
Patriotic Alliance hopeful of winning over 20 parliamentary seats

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Patriotic Alliance (PA) Leader, Gayton McKenzie, remains hopeful that the party will win more than 20 seats in Parliament in next week’s elections.

McKenzie stopped by Kimberley in the Northern Cape during his election tour to reassure his supporters to remain optimistic about change.

He has identified Northern Cape as one of the three provinces they hope to get overwhelming support from.

Mckenzie was welcomed by PA supporters, who came in numbers to hear what their leader had to say.

Although the party is still growing in the province, they hope to secure more votes from the Coloured community.

“We expect to get around 25 seats in parliament in these elections. We expect to be the king makers in Gauteng and Northern Cape. We are hoping to win outright in the Western Cape,” says Mckenzie.

Mckenzie adds that PA’s policies are aligned with its supporters.

“We are the only party that says God must come back in our lives, children must be taught about God at school. We are the only party that says we are going to mass deport all foreigners, we are going to bring the death penalty back.”

Last year, the PA won a ward occupied by the African National Congress (ANC) during a bi-election in the Sol Plaatje Municipality in what was considered an ANC stronghold.

-Report by Clement Matroos 
