
Judge disappointed by delays in Nelson Mandela funeral scandal case

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The sitting judge in the Nelson Mandela funeral scandal case, Igna Stretch has lashed out at both the defence and the prosecution for causing unnecessary delays in the continuation of the trial.

The trial has been adjourned at the Bhisho High Court to the 31st of next month.

The 12 accused include former Health MEC Sindiswa Gomba and former Buffalo City Metro Executive Mayor Zukiswa Ncitha and others.

It’s alleged that they defrauded the Buffalo City metro of R10 million during preparations of the funeral of former president Nelson Mandela in 2013.

Judge Stretch says the delays are disappointing.

“This case is about unnecessary expenditure, inappropriate expenditure. It’s ironic that an interpreter came from all the way in Makhanda to do an adjournment. This case has gone out of control. This man came in this weather just to interpret an adjournment to accused it’s ridiculous. It’s waste of money. Yes, 31st of July.”
