
We cannot have peace with Hamas: Belotserkovsky

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The Israel Ambassador to South Africa, Eliav Belotserkovsky, has emphasised that peace between Israel and Hamas remains elusive as long as the latter continues to launch attacks on Israeli civilians. His comments came against the backdrop of ongoing hostilities and diplomatic efforts to resolve the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In recent developments, the Israeli military carried out further airstrikes in southern Lebanon, targeting several sites linked to the Hezbollah movement. This escalation follows two weeks of continuous exchanges of fire between Israel and Hezbollah, underscoring the volatile nature of the situation in the region.

‘We cannot have peace with terrorists’ : Ambassador Eli Belotserkovsky

Cairo Peace Summit Led by Egyptian President

The Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, led a significant peace summit in Cairo, bringing together world leaders to address the Israel-Hamas conflict. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa was among the attendees, where he appealed for several key measures to de-escalate the situation. These measures include the immediate cessation of hostilities, the release of hostages, the lifting of the Gaza blockade, and the opening of humanitarian corridors.

Ambassador Belotserkovsky expressed hope for future peace between Israel and Palestine. He stated, “Is there any possibility for peace between Israel and Hamas? There is a possibility for peace, and we hope that we will get peace between Israel and the Palestinian people. We cannot have peace with terrorists that slaughter innocent families, kidnap people, including old people and Holocaust survivors.”

Professor Laeed Zaghlami weighs in on the Cairo Peace Summit

EFF Calls for closure of Israeli Embassy in South Africa

Amidst the intensifying Israel-Hamas conflict, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in South Africa is calling for the closure of the Israeli embassy. The EFF, led by Julius Malema, will stage a picket today at the Israeli embassy in a show of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

MP Nazier Paulsen of the EFF stated, “We would ideally want the Israeli ambassador, the illegitimate state of Israel, to be expelled by this ANC-led government. We also want to boycott Israel and all diplomatic trade and cultural relations with the illegitimate state that continues to occupy the Palestinian state.”

As diplomatic efforts continue and tensions remain high, the quest for peace in the Middle East continues to be a complex and pressing international concern.

