
Moses Maluleke murder trial adjourned to Monday

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The murder trial of five men accused of killing Collins Chabane Municipal Mayor, Moses Maluleke, has been adjourned to Monday in the High Court in Polokwane, Limpopo.

Shumani Nemadzodzi, Isaac Mudau, Wiseman Baloyi, Pfunzo Lidzebe and Tshianeo Munyai are being tried for the murder Maluleke.

They allegedly shot and killed him at his home at Xikundu Village outside Malamulele in July 2022. The trial adjourned for the defence lawyers to give their closing arguments.

When concluding his testimony, accused number three, Isaac Mudau, denied the contents of a confession statement attributed to him. He was being cross examined by State Prosecutor Erick Mabapa. Mabapa read the confession statement, but Mudau denied making such a statement.

Mabapa: In the statement marked exhibit Q you stated that,’ I would like to confirm that during July month I have got a date, it was Wednesday when I received the call from Wiseman saying there is a certain guy from Malamulele who is has money in his house’. You still maintain that the statement does not come from you?

Mudau: I know nothing about the statement.

Furthermore, Mabapa put it to Mudau that he was the mastermind for the robbery. Mabapa says there is evidence showing that Mudau recruited his co-accused.

Mabapa: “You dropped them you accompanied accused number four and this other person. I put it to you that you are one of the masterminds who planned this robbery of the deceased.

Mudau: I know nothing about that, I never planned any robbery.

Accused number four, Wiseman Baloyi also took to the witness stand. He has rejected the statement made by state witness, Avhatakali Mulaudzi, which implicates him in the killing of Maluleke.

Mulaudzi’s statement stated that Baloyi told accused number three, Isaac Mudau that about R10 million in cash is allegedly being kept at Mayor Moses Maluleke’s house. The statement shows that the accused went to Maluleke’s house with the intention to rob him.   Baloyi’s lawyer, Advocate Amukelani Baloyi read Mulaudzi’s statement.

“Mr Mulaudzi testified that accused number three Mr Mudau called you on the 21st of July 2022, it was around 11 o’clock in the morning, that is when you spoke about R10 million in the mayor’s house.”

Maluleke’s family is, however, unhappy about the trial proceedings.

“I’m worried about the proceedings of the court. The court has been wrapped up, but we don’t know who the driver of the car is. Justice has not prevailed here, this case did not go according to what we expected as a family. We have been denied justice actually, we are going to reopen this case. We are not happy about the proceedings,” says spokesperson Eitiken Maluleke.

Two of the five accused, Tshianeo Munyai and Pfunze Lidzebe, did not take the stand as they opted against testifying.
