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Maimane calls for the removal of Basic Education Minister

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The Leader of Build One South Africa (BOSA), Mmusi Maimane has called for the removal of Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga. He was speaking to the media at a dilapidated Kwadedangedlale Secondary School in Soweto yesterday.

Learners at the school have been moved to other schools in the township after it was declared non-habitable for teaching and learning.

Maimane says this is not something to be celebrate about the matric pass rate as politicians have terribly lowered the pass rate of poor learners to 30%while their children benefit from effective schooling elsewhere.

He says they have garnered enough signatures to have Motshekga removed.

“University admission will also decline given that the actual predictor means that all for all of the learners that have started, only 12% will end up at universities. Fellow South Africans, no country has moved up the GDP curve without a educated citizens. If you do not skill your people you are killing them. As Nobuntu has already highlighted we have started a petition that already has 25 000 signatures and we want to double those to 50 000 and I would like to go the SONA and to President Ramaphosa and say indeed, Angie must go. We have to fight for education the generation of 1976 did not sacrifice their lives so that our children can pass at 30%.”

Matric Results | ‘The 30% pass rate doesn’t adequately equip learners’: Mmusi Maimane
