
KZN ANC refutes claims of a plot to overthrow Ramaphosa

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A disgruntled faction of the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal is allegedly behind a plot to unseat President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The plot is purportedly hatched by the former President Jacob Zuma loyalists.

However, the Provincial Interim structure has denied these claims.

The reports suggest that Zuma loyalists in KwaZulu-Natal are still not happy with the current leadership of the ANC.

Majority in the province had backed Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma at the party’s December conference.

The province itself is currently without a leadership.

This after it was suspended following a High Court ruling that nullified the 2015 conference.

An interim structure was established to prepare for a provincial conference.

Reports indicate that an unhappy grouping is determined to see former Chairperson Sihle Zikalala retain his position.

After which they will lobby other provinces for an early conference.

The group is said to have used Friday’ support for former President Zuma at the Durban High Court to mobilise.

Political analyst Bheki Mngomezulu believes this does have substance.

Mngomezulu says, “So they are of the view that he is basically being victimised so they are saying they are going to give him all the support he needs in order to prove to the ANC that they are not happy with the statues quo.”

However, the KwaZulu-Natal’s Interim co-ordinator Sihle Zikalala has refuted the claims, saying they have full confidence in President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Zikalala says, “In KwaZulu-Natal I haven’t heard of anyone proposing or even echoing a view of voting for anyone except consolidating unity and ensuring that there’s support for the ANC to come the 2019 general elections.”

Zikalala added that he believed the party was on course in restoring unity and implementing policies on the expropriation of land without compensation and Radical Economic Transformation.

It remains unclear whether the province will be able to hold its Provincial conference by May.

But, Zikalala says they are engaging structures on the matter.

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