
Democracy In Action files urgent interdict against release of State Capture report

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The High Court in Johannesburg will on Tuesday hear an urgent application by an organisation called Democracy in Action (DIA) to interdict the handover of the report of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture to President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Chairperson of the Commission Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo was supposed to hand over his first report on State Capture today.

According to the urgent application, the DIA says Ramaphosa is not fit to receive the report because several witnesses who had been called to testify before the commission had implicated him in wrongdoing.

It says there is evidence that Ramaphosa was the shareholder at Glencore which is the contractor to Eskom and was central to the commission’s evidence.

The organisation has instead suggested that the report to be handed over to Deputy President David Mabuza.

Zondo has been tasked to investigate allegations of corruption in government and state departments.

He is expected to deliver the report in three phases.

High Court to hear an urgent application by DIA to oppose handover


More details and analysis in the video below:

DA calls for tabling of report in Parliament

Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance (DA) says the report should also be tabled to Parliament for recommendations to be implemented.

It says if the report is only handed over to the President, he could ignore its suggestions.

DA’s leader John Steenhuisen says those implicated by the report should be held accountable.

“I think if it is tabled in Parliament which is a multi-party environment that it will allow the opposition, the media and South Africans, civil societies and ordinary citizens to then hold the President accountable for his acts of own omission or commission that occurred during that state capture period.
