
SA, Botswana finalising details on repatriating bus victims’ bodies

Limpopo crash victims
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The Limpopo Health MEC Doctor Phophi Ramathuba says the Botswana government will guide them on the repatriation of the bodies of the 45 Botswana nationals who were killed in a bus crash in Limpopo on Thursday last week.

Six of the bodies have been identified.

Ramathuba says after engagements between Botswana and South African officials are finalised the bodies will be repatriated.

“We will be guided by the people of Botswana, especially the families and the government to say how they prefer this to be done. But what should happen especially with the six that are already positively identified? Post-mortems will be conducted tomorrow. Pathologists will issue a notice then Home Affairs will issue death certificates then a funeral parlour will issue a cover letter, requesting the repatriation permit.”

MEC Ramathuba updates on the on-going process of identifying remains of Limpopo crash victims:
