
Mabuyane promises to recall deployees who fail to do their job

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Eastern Cape African National Congress (ANC) chairperson Oscar Mabuyane says the party will recall deployees who fail to do their job.

Speaking at the provincial manifesto launch in Port Alfred yesterday, Mabuyane said there is no place in the ANC for leaders obsessed with their personal development.

Mabuyane says the party has forwarded the names of capable leaders who will be responsible for driving the developmental agenda for the seventh administration.

“We must understand that we are there to serve our people in government, we are the servants. We want people who are going to roll up their sleeves, we have inculcated a culture of consequent management.”

ANC EC Manifesto Launch | Official program underway in Port Alfred:

Mabuyane says he is confident that the party will emerge victorious and govern after the May 29 general elections.

Mabuyane says the ANC has made great strides to improve the living conditions of citizens. He says the ANC is committed to doing even better.

“We are not perfect, mistakes have been made in this journey of our revolution and that has disappointed our people but we continue to learn from our mistakes and correct our wrongs and continue to improve our performance in government. This is the process of the renewal of the ANC.”
