
Mokgoro against municipalities put under administration

Reading Time: 2 minutes

North West Premier Job Mokgoro and his executive don’t agree with the African National Congress’ Provincial Executive resolution to place seven North West municipalities under administration.

Mokgoro says the invocation of Section 139 only deals with administrative challenges, while the actual problem is continued political interference.

The municipalities are in dire straits due to alleged corruption and tender irregularities.

“There’s a sense from our leadership point of view that it is grossly responsible to do something as if you do not have results. We have done a lot of 139 before. We cannot decide on these things without engaging society. You are right there problems caused by political principle, and often we come with administrative intervention and therefore missing the point,” says North West Premier Job Mokgoro.

Mokgoro is also reversing some of the decisions taken by his predecessor Supra Mahumapelo which saw multi-million rand government entities centralised.

“North West Development Corporation is on its way out of the office of the Premier. The office of the Premier is to coordinate, and not to implement, that is why we are moving NWDC from the office of the premier, and as we do that, we need to revisit the question of Parks board, tourism board, the question of housing cooperation and NTI [Northwest Transport Investments]. I have already appointed a team that will do that stream-lining. That answers how many questions will be reversed,” says Mokgoro.

Mokgoro says senior executives have been suspended from some of these entities.

