
Mbalula praises police for Engcobo arrests

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Police Minister, Fikile Mbalula has commended police officers for meeting the 72-hour deadline to arrest the suspects from the Engcobo police station attack in the Eastern Cape.

It’s emerged that church leaders were among the seven suspects who were gunned down by police in Engcobo Friday night.

The Mancoba Seven Angels Church Ministry premises has been declared a crime scene after the suspects were killed during a gun battle. More than ten suspects have been arrested.

Mbalula addressed community members in the region on Saturday morning .

“Let me tell you what we discovered when the police arrived there. There is no church there, there is Satanism. Those people are not praying for anything, they are hypnotised. The police have responded within the 72 hours, which expires on Saturday.”

The Hawks say investigations are continuing after gunmen stormed the Engcobo police station in the early hours of Wednesday morning and opened fire indiscriminately, killing five police officers and a retired soldier.

National Police Commissioner, General Khehla Sitole says the church will be closed down.

The Mancoba Seven Angels Church Ministry premises has been declared a crime scene after the suspects were killed during a gun battle. More than ten suspects have been arrested.

It’s emerged that church leaders were among the seven suspects who were gunned down by police in eNgcobo in Eastern Cape last night.
