
Tshwane residents endure service backlogs as Samwu strike continues

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City of Tshwane Executive Mayor Cilliers Brink says the City has continued to experience backlogs of basic services especially the repair of water leaks, restoration of electricity and waste collection.

He says the City is operating under South African Municipal Workers Union’s (Samwu) threats of violence and intimidation.

The workers embarked on an unprotected strike three weeks ago.

A group of people shot and hijacked an employee of the City at the weekend.

On Wednesday, a waste truck was attacked at a landfill site.

Brink says the City will continue to operate despite the ongoing wildcat strike.

“We are taking every action available to us to ensure that we continue with the business of the city, to take action against those that continue to threaten and disrupt services and we will remain relentless.

“We must maintain the rule of law in our city and we cannot buckle to thuggery and violence. I continue to emphasize that what is at stake is very important and our resolve is only being strengthened by the attacks that we have seen,” adds Brink.

Concerns over impact of Tshwane municipal strike on workers, residents: Cilliers Brink
