
ANC views meeting with Mbeki as an opportunity to draw wisdom

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) sees the meeting between former President, Thabo Mbeki and its top six officials as an opportunity to get counsel and wisdom from the statesman.

The meeting taking place at Luthuli House is attended by party officials with the exception of President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The meeting follows Mbeki’s earlier concern that ANC MPs have used their majority in Parliament to shield the president from accountability on the Phala Phala debacle.

Mbeki said it was wrong for the MPs to vote against the Section 89 report, to vote against the Democratic Alliance’s motion of the inquiry into the wrongdoing at Eskom as well as the adoption of the Adhoc Committee on Phala Phala.

Speaking to the South African Broadcasting Corporation on the side lines of the meeting, ANC spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri says for now the meeting is cordial.

“The agenda of the meeting is fairly straight forward, the former president of our organisation had written to the leadership of the ANC expressing certain concerns, the letter that was addressed to the deputy president was warmly embraced by our national officials and the national officials committed to opening the door for further engagement with the former president and this is happening tonight.”

Bhengu-Motsiri says the meeting is an opportunity to draw wisdom from the former head of organisation.

“This is an opportunity for the leadership of the ANC to put their heads together to get council, to get wisdom but also to engage with our former president and to come to certain conclusions.”

Bhengu-Motsiri says the meeting will help the organisation to continue with the renewal project of the ANC: 
