
Bakubung Platinum Mine underground sit-in called off: NUM

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The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has confirmed that the underground sit-in at the Bakubung Platinum Mine in the North West has been called off.

This follows an agreement between the workers and management.

More than 200 mineworkers embarked on the sit-in on Wednesday morning to demand salary increases.

They are demanding an end to management’s alleged discriminatory practices towards women.

The NUM says that management has agreed to resolve all the issues that the workers are raising.

NUM’s Regional Secretary, Geoffrey Moatshe says, “All the workers who were underground have been brought to the surface yesterday around 11. This follows the engagement that we had with management and a subsequent commitment in a written form that the issues that were raised by workers will be addressed.”

“The region of NUM was represented by the deputy regional chairperson to go and try to convince workers to come to the surface. It took him around 3 hours underground trying to talk to workers and in the end, I can confirm that those workers were brought to the surface,” adds Moatshe.

Gold One Mine in Springs also staged a sit-in:
