
‘Professionalism of police service needed to fight gender based violence’

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children was commemorated with a prayer.
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The DA in Gauteng says the only way to fight the scourge of gender-based violence is through the professionalism of the police service.

Today marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children.

A recent study released by the Commission for Gender Equality has revealed that the police stations surveyed across three provinces don’t have well-defined long-term programmes in place to tackle domestic violence within their areas of jurisdiction.

The study also found that while most police stations surveyed had a Victim Support Centre, these centres did not have enough staff.

In a statement, DA Gauteng Spokesperson on Women, Stefani Ueckermann says they will be running a petition, calling for officers to be adequately trained to deal with victims of rape and other sensitive crimes.

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