
Zimbabweans, diplomats honour Mandela’s contributions to peace, freedom

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On a day of remembrance and celebration, Zimbabweans gathered alongside diplomats from various nations, including staff from the South African embassy, to honour the late former South African President Nelson Mandela’s enduring contributions to peace, freedom, and his profound impact on humanity.

Marked annually on the 18th of July, Nelson Mandela International Day provides an opportunity for global citizens to follow in the footsteps of the iconic leader, embracing his ideals of freedom and human rights.

For the 10th consecutive year, Zimbabweans joined their South African counterparts in commemorating the revered day, albeit a few days later.

The United Nations General Assembly had officially declared July 18 as Nelson Mandela International Day in 2009, recognising Mandela’s unwavering dedication to promoting peace, freedom, reconciliation, gender equality, the rights of children, and underprivileged communities.

The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator to Zimbabwe, Edward Kallon, addresses the gathered learners from selected schools in the capital city of Harare, acknowledging that many of them may not have personally known Mandela.

Nevertheless, Kallon emphasises that the youth, along with countless others worldwide, stand to benefit from the lessons of justice and equality taught by Mandela’s selfless sacrifices to liberate his people from the horrors of apartheid.

Quoting UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Kallon hails Mandela as a “colossus of courage and conviction” and a leader of exceptional humanity and extraordinary accomplishments.

Zimbabweans commemorate former SA President Nelson Mandela:

In a gesture of solidarity and support, the South African embassy and its Zimbabwean staff donate sewing machines to several schools in Zimbabwe to enable girls to attend school comfortably while also allowing women in various communities to sustain their livelihoods.

The sewing machines will be used to produce reusable sanitary wear, addressing a critical need in the country. Furthermore, the South African embassy commits to equipping young girls with relevant skills, empowering them to build a better future for themselves.

South African Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, expresses her hope that this initiative would create a lasting impact and serve as a continuing legacy beyond the current generation.

The Ambassador emphasises that the project’s focus extended beyond young girls and women, demonstrating South Africa’s commitment to leaving no one behind. As such, young boys were also invited to participate and support the initiative.

For Zimbabwe’s younger generation, Nelson Mandela remains an ever-shining beacon of inspiration, whose legacy of compassion, justice, and equality will continue to guide and shape their lives.

As the world comes together to commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day, the impact of his life’s work serves as a powerful reminder of the potential within each individual to make a difference and create a better world for all.

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