
Speaker has until next week to explain R4.4 mln secretary salary

The Speaker is accused of unilaterally hiking the salary.
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National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula has until next week to respond to allegations about the salary of Parliament’s Secretary Xolile George.

The Speaker is accused of unilaterally increasing his salary by 70% following his appointment in June 2022.

George’s annual package went up from an advertised  R2.6 million to a whopping R4.4 million in less than a year, earning more than President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Democratic Alliance (DA) Chief Whip Siviwe Gwarube says this is a serious matter.

Gwarube says, “Now discovering that there was a unilateral salary hike is the reason why we have reported the matter to the Powers and Privileges Committee for it to investigate because we’re of the view that the Speaker is likely to have misled Parliament and if that is the case then it is a very serious matter.”

The full interview with Gwarube:
