
Levies collected from NUM members not reflected

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The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) says levies collected from its members by the Building Industry Bargaining Council (BIBC) in the Western Cape are not being reflected on the council books.

The Union is accusing the Bargaining Council of colluding with employer companies in manipulating the numbers of the union’s membership.

NUM says this paralyses the union’s strength. Both NUM and SA Communist Party (SACP) members marched to the BIBC’s offices in Bellville to register their concerns.

Regional Secretary, Sonwabile Fisa explains: “You get members whose subscription is changed to other unions without them having ever signed for membership for those particular unions and in most cases these workers are the members of the National Union of Mineworkers and you would know that any union strength depends on its capacity to grow its membership now we have membership that is dwindling against our knowledge and against the knowledge of our members.”

BIBC representative, Michael Caldecott says: “I will hand the memorandum to the secretary of the council it will then be escalated to the council for a discussion a decision and a response to the parties concerned.”

