
‘Glenvista high video shows breakdown of discipline in schools’

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The National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (Naptosa) says a fight between a teacher and a pupil at Glenvista High School in Johannesburg shows the extent of the breakdown of discipline in schools.

This comes after a video went viral showing an educator and a learner fighting violently and damaging school furniture.

The Gauteng Department of Education is probing the incident.

Naptosa Executive Director Basil Manuel says he hopes the department will consider all factors leading up to the altercation.

Manuel says, “It is really unfortunate that this particular teacher lost their cool because, at the end of the day they will carry the consequences for that and the learner will probably be back in class tomorrow. And even if the teacher comes off with his job still intact, he has to go back to that class, face those children again and the culture of respect has been broken down.”
