
Fight against crime at a high cost for SAPS members: Bheki Clele

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Police Minister Bheki Cele says the fight against crime is coming at a high cost for SAPS members. Cele says 31 police officers have been killed in the line of duty in the past three months.

He says while there are still unacceptably high crime levels, police are pushing back on crime, especially violent crime, which is starting to show some decrease.

Cele says for the first time since COVID-19 reached the country’s shores in 2020, the murder rate has declined in a single quarter between April and June this year.

Cele briefed the media on the second quarter crime statistics, reflecting on crimes reported from 01 April 2023 to 30 June 2023.

“Police recorded 6 228 counts of murder. This is 196 fewer people killed compared to the same time last year. Out of the 6 228 people killed from April to June, 1 188 were women and children. Apart from Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape, all provinces recorded decreases in murder in this quarter. While the Northern Cape recorded an 11.1% increase in murders, much-welcome double-digit percentage declines were noted in the Limpopo and North West provinces. The murders for April to June 2023 in those two provinces dropped by 10.0% and 11.5%, respectively. Case docket analysis shows that firearms, knives, and sharp instruments remain the three top weapons of choice for murder.”
