
Festive season traditions changing

Christmas card
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Social media commentator, Hlompho Maseko, says festive season traditions have changed steadily over the past 10 to 20 years. For generations, Christmas has been a time of magic and wonder for millions, with maddening swarms of crowds at stores, near-riots over special discounts and Christmas-Day meals with extended families under one roof.

But, Maseko says festive season trends have transformed from community-sharing Christmas parties, to an increase in holidays abroad or a quiet day spent at home.

“Back in the days, people didn’t have money or earn enough, so with the little they had they spent it on alcohol and braai meat and they kept it at home. So the streets would be very congested, very busy and vibey, that was the reason why we had a vibey December back in the days. But in this day in age, most of us work, people go to one place at once and they come back home, we don’t find the vibe in the streets.”

With Christmas around the corner, many families may still be gearing up for their favourite Christmas traditions, including feasts and the exchange of gifts.

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