
Gordhan should not use public funds in SAA-Takatso legal battle: DA

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The Democratic Alliance (DA) says Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan should not use public funds to launch a legal battle with the portfolio committee that oversees his department.

This follows the minister’s threat to take its report on the failed SAA-Takatso deal on judicial review.

The DA says Gordhan’s threats of impending legal action undermines and demeans the legislative authority and standing of the committee as an extension of Parliament.

The committee’s report, following allegations of impropriety in the appointment of  Takatso Consortium to acquire a 51 percent stake in the national carrier, recommends that the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) probes the matter further.

Gordhan has written to the committee saying if the report is adopted, he will take it on legal review.

DA MP Mimmy Gondwe says in a statement that if the minister has nothing to hide, he has absolutely nothing to worry about and should stop making threats against the committee and permit the SIU to investigate.
