
Vodacom to shed 80 jobs including senior managers

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Telecommunications giant, Vodacom says the company is undergoing an operational review where at least 80 employees will be affected.

This in a bid to streamline key functions and maintain its competitive edge.

It’s reported that the job cuts will be across various levels, including senior management.

Cosatu spokesperson Matthew Parks says they will pursue all alternatives to retrenchments.

He says they will intervene to stop this from taking effect.

“We think this is unacceptable for a company which is making huge profits, which pays it’s CEO million and millions of rands. Retrenching 80 workers might seem like a small amount of workers for a very large company like Vodacom, but it will plunge those families into absolute poverty.”

“The Labour Relations Act requires companies to look at alternatives [and] to engage the workers and unions in good faith on alternatives, Vodacom has not done this. Cosatu will be supporting the Communications Workers Union (CWU) to try to intervene and to halt an unacceptable attack on workers’ jobs,” adds Parks.
