
Khomani San distance themselves from Khoisan sovereign state call

Reading Time: 5 minutes

A Khoisan group led by King Khoebaha Calvin Cornelius the 3rd has given Parliament and government until Friday to vacate the premises. An eviction notice was placed at the visitors centre of Parliament on Monday but was later removed by the police.

Cornelius gave parliament official notice that the Khoisan people people have seceded from South Africa to establish the Sovereign State of Good Hope. But the Khomani San have distanced themselves from Cornelius and the secession.

The eviction notice is addressed to the President and his cabinet. It says and I quote, ” we therefore give you notice that all government officials should be prepared to leave the territory within five days. Those who want to remain for longer period should immediately communicate with our government officers,” closed quotes.

The notice also says those officials who want to stay should register themselves as Aliens and provide documentation on why they should remain in the Sovereign State of Good Hope.

In a video message posted on You tube recorded by the Royal House of the Khoisan, Cornelius says the Khoisan have officially seceded from South Africa last year.

“On the 24th September 2017, I seceded away from South Africa, our geographical area consists of Northern Cape, Western Cape and the Eastern Cape up to the Fish River – the gateway to Africa. Preceding the secession, the following events happened that gave justification to the process within the prescribed international and national law after exhausting all avenues to get recognition. I was sworn in as the King of my nation in 2001 at the last crown in Genandendal. In the same year I got custodianship of all Khoisan land endorsed by the Chief Magistrate Johan Venter as referred to by the Chief Justice John Hlophe.”

Cornelius also confirmed in the video message that an eviction notice to be delivered to parliament was the final process to conclude the secession.

“I handed in an eviction notice to the Government of South Africa and raised the flag of the Sovereign State of Good Hope. We were always the custodians of the land as we were here before anyone else arrived on our shore. We lived in harmony and roamed our place as a nomadic nation. We were one with the land and had no title deeds to lay claim to the land as we were part of the land, the land and us are one.”

While he claims custodianship of all the Khoisan land, the Khomani San in the Kalahari of the Northern Cape have distanced themselves from these developments.

Chairperson of the the Khomani San is Collin Louw says, “I don’t know whom are they speaking for, because if they are saying the Khoisan took that resolution, we are not the Khoisan, we are the Bushman of the Kalahari. The reason why I am saying this, – Khoisan is a colonial term. And that same term takes away our identity. And now people are running around with Khoisan-khoisan. I think it’s time now that people must come back and identify themselves in the ethnicity, on who are they. We don’t know him. We don’t know how he became a king. Maybe he can tell you guys. He is not our King.”

Louw says they are not seceding from South Africa. “We just find out on social media where we see he is going to the Parliament and put up some posters there and hanging some flags. This is the only time we heard of these things. We were not part of any discussions of the so called Khoebaha.”

Meanwhile Parliament’s spokesperson Moloto Mothapo said the institution will not entertain what it calls – any illegitimate correspondence.

FF Plus supports King Cornelius the 3rd

In addition the Freedom Front Plus has released a statement in support of King Cornelius the 3rd.  The FF-Plus says it sympathises with King Cornelius’s pursuit for self determination.

But the party cautioned that a strategic and united approach is needed to make self determination succeed, saying it is gaining momentum.

Freedom Front Plus Chief Whip Corne Mulder explains,  “The fact of the matter is that self determination is part of our constitution. It’s in Section 235 of the Constitution and also internationally recognised. And we have a lot of sympathy for what is happening there. The Freedom Front Plus is the only party in parliament that support the concept of self determination and we understand what they are trying to do.

“However we are a bit concerned that they shouldn’t do things that would be to the detriment of a notion of self-determination. We should rather stick as one together and work on a combined strategy to make sure it succeeds because at the moment it’s quite clear that the urge and need for self-determination is getting stronger,” Mulder added.

