
Second fire erupts along Glencairn expressway in Simon’s Town

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The City of Cape Town’s Fire and Rescue Service reported a second fire along the Glencairn Expressway in Simons Town, exacerbated by strong winds overnight.

The fire comes in the wake of a large vegetation fire that ignited on the mountain slopes on Tuesday morning, scorching more than 1 100 hectares of veld.

Residents of Stonehaven Estate were forced to evacuate as a precautionary measure.

Disaster Risk Management spokesperson Charlotte Powell says, “Residents of Stonehaven have indicated that they will stay with family and friends until it is safe to return.”

In addition to residential evacuations, the Disaster Risk Management Centre (DRMC) staff evacuated the Good Hope Gardens Nursery in Simon’s Town, relocating 15 individuals from the property.

Powell has appealed to the public to avoid fire-affected areas for safety reasons.

“NGOs who want to assist are also requested to please work through the Joint Operations Centres on site and not to venture to the fire line on their own, for their own safety and that of others,” Powell urged.

As firefighting efforts intensify, authorities are mobilizing resources to contain the wildfires, emphasizing the importance of coordinated actions to ensure the safety of residents and emergency responders.

Firefighters working to control a blaze on the mountains above Simon’s Town:
