
SABC studying ICASA ruling on DA election advert

SABC building in Auckland Park.
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The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) says it is studying the ruling of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) in the case of the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the public broadcaster.

It says it will decide the way forward after getting advice on the implications of the ruling.

ICASA has fined the SABC R500 000 for refusing to air the DA’s election advert which depicts the South African flag as being burnt. The communications regulator says the SABC should pay the fine within seven days of the ruling which was delivered yesterday.

DA leader John Steenhuisen defended the advert as a reminder to voters who will vote for an African National Congress (ANC),  Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party coalition come the elections on Wednesday.

He described the coalition of the three parties as a ‘doomsday coalition’ that would bring an economic decline for the country.

2024 Elections | DA Steenhuisen leader defends election advert

Face The Nation | SABC rejects DA’s election advert
