
SA organisation to participate in high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS at UN

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The non-profit organisation, mothers2mothers, will be participating in a high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS on Tuesday and Wednesday at the UN Headquarters in New York.

The organisation employs women living with HIV as frontline health workers who deliver services and education to those living with HIV and to help prevent new infections.

The organisation was founded in Cape Town and now works across ten African nations.

President and CEO of mothers2mothers, Frank Bradley de Palomo, says they are concerned about the new data from UNAIDS released last week, that shows that HIV prevention progress has stalled, especially among children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“We will be participating in the high-level meeting where we’ll be advocating for world leaders to pass a strong political declaration that includes a commitment to having services delivered by people living with HIV from the communities that are affected with a particular focus on children and adolescents.  More importantly, we’ll be keeping pressure on them to make sure they turn the declaration into action so that we can achieve the dream of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.”
