
Political parties and civil society must work together – Jardine

Jardine standing at the podium with party banner behind him.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Launching the newly formed “Change Starts Now” political party, former FirstRand CEO Roger Jardine emphasized the need for political change, urging collaboration between political parties and civil society to address the country’s challenges.

Jardine unveiled the political movement in Riverlea, Johannesburg, on Sunday. The party intends to participate in the 2024 general elections, providing an alternative option for South African voters beyond the African National Congress (ANC).

He expressed the belief that citizens should not feel compelled to choose between parties focused on breaking or building, asserting, “We should not be forced to choose between those who only want to break things and those who have long ago forgotten how to build things. We should not act as if we have no choice… that we have no choice but to let the ANC back to power.”

“This government which has become the face of corruption, the face of an uncaring and self-absorbed and incompetent state, there is another way,” asserts Jardine.

Currently there are 450 registered political parties in South Africa of which 93 are represented in the national, provincial, or municipal legislatures.

Anti-apartheid activist Roger Jardine launches political movement
