
Minister Pandor unveils Nelson Mandela bust in Uganda

Reading Time: 2 minutes

People across Africa are embracing the chance to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life this month. In Uganda, a statue of the African icon has been unveiled. The statue is a half figure of the African icon wearing his famous Madiba shirt.

South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Naledi Pandor was in Uganda for the unveiling.

South Africa and Uganda have strong ties dating back to the struggle against colonialism and apartheid. Uganda hosted and trained South African anti-apartheid activists and freedom fighters in the late 1980s.

Minister Pandor described the statue as a fitting tribute to the strong relationship between the two countries.

“This is a critical piece of history that we must recognise and use as one of the social mobilisation, social cohesion instruments of the unity that we must have of the African continent.”

Meanwhile, a painting of Nelson Mandela was also presented at the event. Local artist Roland Tibirusya says he was deeply inspired by his legacy.

“It is a good moment. It is a good feeling. this is practical enough to send a message out there that Mandela, Madiba still lives one.”

The statue stands in front of Uganda’s national stadium, which was named after Nelson Mandela.

So now the monument will also serve as a reminder for Ugandans and visitors passing by of Mandela’s contribution to the anti-apartheid struggle. -Reporting by Leon Ssenyange 


