
AU Commission Chairperson emphasises need for Africa’s reform

African Union Commission chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat
Reading Time: 2 minutes

African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has emphasized that “while celebrating achievements in liberation, development and resilience, there exists a need for continued reform, unity and mobilisation to address ongoing challenges to realise Africa’s potential.”

He was delivering his Africa Day message. 

This year, the day is celebrated under the theme “Education Fit for the 21st Century”. 

Africa Day commemorates the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963, and its successor, the African Union (AU).

AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has reminded fellow Africans on the continent and the diaspora of how Africa has freed herself from the yolk of colonialism and the appalling system of apartheid.

Mahamat has cited how Africa’s intellectual, scientific and cultural resources have been immensely developed and diversified, “leading to the growth of its economy at rates that are envied in many parts of the world coupled with the resilience seen during the global crisis of Covid-19 that has impressed many.”

The AU Commission Chair has also mentioned what he terms, “the continuing deterioration of Africa’s climatic condition and various forms of foreign interference in the continent’s internal affairs, the permeability of certain categories of Africa’s elites to foreign discourse and the obvious shortcomings in terms of governance as ingredients that have not helped to transform the afore mentioned positive aspects into factors of social justice, equality and inclusive prosperity.”

He has further called on Africans stating how celebrating Africa Day is an opportune moment to assess how far the content has come while also reflecting on the road ahead.

Furthermore, Mahamat addressed not only governments and official institutions but the youth and women of Africa, reminding them that “liberation and progress in development integration are now a reality. This, owing to the endurance and sacrifices that have ensured that the sun shines and warms planet Africa.”

He says this has been possible as the result of the vision and leadership of the founding fathers and current leaders but also by the mobilisation by hundreds and millions across the continent.

Africa Day | Message by Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat
