
South Africans urged to prioritise mental health

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The South African Anxiety and Depression Group (SADAG) is advocating for South Africans to prioritise their mental health as part of their goals for 2024.

The start of a new year often brings about the opportunity to reflect on goals for the year ahead.

SADAG Operations Director Cassey Chambers says as part of New Year resolutions, people often aim to achieve good health and financial wellness and sometimes neglecting mental health.

She is hopeful that 2024 is the year many will seek the health they need.

“As part of SADAG’s mission for 2024 is really to encourage more people to put mental health on their to do list. Learning different ways to look after our mental health and there’s no one size fits all approach.

It’s really about figuring out our stresses and red flags. Assess what area’s you are struggling with and what area’s you should look after.

How do you rest, recover and handle stress. What is your self-care toolbox, what are the things that help your cup, what are the things that you can do to help look after yourself.”
