
MDC Alliance leader casts his vote

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MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has just cast his ballot. Chamisa is one of the 23  presidential candidates that are contesting this year’s elections.

People are reported to have been queuing at polling stations since early on Monday morning for Zimbabwe’s historic elections.

Zimbabweans will be voting without former president Robert Mugabe on the ballot paper for the first time since independence in 1980. President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the governing Zanu-PF faces Chamisa, with about 11 000 polling stations opened.

Most voters have sighted that they are satisfied with the lead up to the elections, as no violence and intimidation has been experienced so far.

The presiding officer of a large voting district in Harare, Jospehine Mbere, says:

“The people have been coming to check their names, our polling stations have written outside the surnames that are appearing in the voter’s roll. So we’re expecting a great day and hope things are going to flow. We have more women that are going to vote than males but we have an average of 1 000 voters per each polling station.”

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