
Xsê, it is time to vote

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South Africa is going to the polls for the sixth time in its fairly young democracy, with some labeling it the most contested election in the new dispensation.

By now, many voters will have made up their minds on who they will entrust with their vote, but as many will be heading to the voting stations, it is important to remind you what the voting process entails.

According to elections expert and IEMSA executive chairperson, Terry Tselane, the voter will be led through the whole process by IEC officials.

Watch Terry Tselane explain the voting process below:

In the past few days, the Electoral Commission (IEC) has been reminding the voter to make sure that both their ballot papers (if you are participation in both the National and Provincial election) are stamped.

It is also important to know that a voter cannot post a selfie with their marked ballot paper as this is against the law.

The picture below illustrates the setup of a voting station:
