
Webcasts: Friday, May 10 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Watch the webcasts of sessions and press conferences live from Friday, May 10 2013 here.

Africa 2063: From Fragility to Stability | 10.45am – noon
As African economies transform over the next 50 years, how will political and geopolitical tensions in the region be managed?

Africa’s Global Partnerships | 1.15pm – 2.30pm
How are new and existing partnerships with Africa facilitating the exchange of comparative strengths?

African Economic Outlook | 3.15pm – 4.30pm
How are current developments informing the region’s economic outlook for the year to come?

Closing Plenary: Facing Africa’s Future | 5pm – 6.15pm
Significant challenges to Africa’s resilience – widespread unemployment, unstable commodity prices and rising inequality – are counterpoised with the continent’s rich opportunities – youthful population, burgeoning infrastructure and rapid economic growth. How can fresh insights and innovations emerging from Africa’s transformative connectivity, consumer power and dynamic talent motivate us to deliver on Africa’s promise?

– By
