
Unemployment rate underscores need for concerted job-creation: DA

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Democratic Alliance (DA) says the record high expanded unemployment rate of 43.2% for the first quarter of this year underscores the need for a concerted job-creation drive in labour-absorbing sectors.


The DA says the key takeaway from latest jobs numbers is that another 201 000 people have stopped looking for work.

The party says South Africa needs urgent legislative changes to make the labour market more flexible.


The party says the African National Congress (ANC) government is incorrectly focused on public employment projects and a localisation drive.

DA MP Michael Cardo says, “South Africa needs urgent legislative changes to make the labour market more flexible. The government needs to stop focusing on public employment projects and its localisation drive. It needs to focus on freeing up the private sector so that it can create jobs. Until that message sinks in, our unemployment numbers will continue to rise.”

Unemployment increases to 32.6% in the first quarter of 2021:
