
Two poachers arrested at the Kruger National Park sentenced to 23-years imprisonment

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The South African National Parks (SANParks) hopes the lengthy jail term handed to two poachers this week will serve as a deterrent to would-be poachers.

Mozambican nationals, Americo Mathonsi and Michael Chauke were each sentenced to 23-years imprisonment by the Skukuza Regional Court.

SANParks Spokesperson Isaac Phaahla says, “They were found guilty of killing two rhinos, possession of illegal weapons, trespassing and contravention of the Immigration Act. We are happy that justice has been served and [we] hope this will send a strong message to others who intend on killing our natural heritage for their greed.”

The pair were arrested in the Satara section of the Kruger National Park in May 2019 by Rangers.

Kruger National Park bolsters anti-rhino poaching measures:

