
Sunday marks 3 years since COVID-19 was declared a State of National Disaster

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This Sunday marks the third anniversary of the Declaration of the State of National Disaster in South Africa and the subsequent COVID-19 lockdown. Many countries continue to put into place strong measures around vaccination and regulations.

The last update on the SA coronavirus online portal was made on 1st February showing that there was, at the time, just over 6 000 active cases in the country.

The South African Medical Association (SAMA) has been reflecting on how the pandemic changed the way the country looks at medical disasters three years on. SAMA Chairperson Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa has warned that the virus is still active in South Africa.

”It is still important for the population to know that we still have cases of COVID-19 out there and we still have deaths due to COVID-19. So, very important that is people are symptomatic, they need to visit the healthcare professional. One thing I want to emphasise is that there is poor communication on the side of government,” says Dr Mzukwa.

