
Staff shortages still plaguing Free State health facilities

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Staff shortage remains a crucial issue across various health facilities in the Free State. The staff shortage issue was raised in a report on the state of the health care systems by Ritshidze Project, a community-led monitoring programme.

Patients who receive chronic medication have also raised concerns about the issue of identity protection in healthcare facilities.

Access to healthcare remains a nightmare for Free State residents, poor infrastructure and shortage of staff is   hindering service delivery. Those who take chronic medication feel violated when they fetch their medication,
they say their bad experiences have left them vulnerable.

One women who did not want to be mentioned said, ”I took my child to the clinic, I was assisted after a long time and my child was in my hands.”

The Ritshidze Project is implemented by organisations representing people living with HIV-including the Treatment Action Campaign and others. Its mandate is to make sure that challenges in the healthcare sector are addressed.

Free State Department of Health says it is in the process of implementing a system, which will allow patients to schedule appointments before going to a public healthcare facility. The process will improve capturing and shortening the waiting period.

The Health Department says it is prioritising the filling up of critical posts.

SAHRC visits healthcare facilities in the Free State:
