
Springbok women’s coach says biggest focus is to win one game at Women’s Rugby World Cup

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The Springbok Women’s Rugby Coach, Stanley Raubenheimer, says their biggest focus now is to win one game at the upcoming Women’s Rugby World Cup in October and they are targeting Fiji this time.

Raubenheimer said this as his team took its training clinics to the rural areas of the Eastern Cape in Mthatha.

Raubenheimer says the team will also visit schools as its main aim is to encourage young girls to participate in rugby.

The Springbok Women’s Rugby team will play number one and three in England and France at the Women’s Rugby World in October.

Raubenheimer says, “Big root of the players are coming from this region, it’s hood got them to be exposed where they are coming from and give back to the young girls. The world cup… our biggest focus is to try and see if we win one game at that world cup. We are targeting Figi this time.”

He adds: “We playing number 1 and number 3 in England and France so we have to be realistic and not put unnecessary pressure on players and team to perform so we working really hard, we had very good results of late. It’s looking positive and they are happy to be here at the Eastern Cape.”

Women’s rugby players Aseza Hele and Rumandi Portgierter say they are in the Eastern Cape for a training camp and happy to be giving back to young girls.

“We came here to practice we going to have a training camp for a week so that the kids that grow up here can sew the development of playing rugby as a woman.”
