
SABC Editorial Policy – News

Reading Time: 1 minute


Current Policies: News

Q: Does the GCEO have control over News and programming?

The role of Editor-in-Chief is one of many responsibilities that the GCEO assumes and should not be confused with the functions of the Heads of Radio, Television, News, Sport and Education or of the other Editors and Channel and Station Managers employed by the SABC. The GCEO’s role is not to make day-to-day programming or newsroom decisions. However, the Board of the SABC delegates responsibility, and holds accountable the GCEO for the performance of all news and other programmes, broadcast and presented on all SABC radio, television, internet and other services.

Review: News

• Are the above (& other clauses) in the policies still relevant and where should adjustments be made?

• SABC has been criticized for biased reporting; are there speci c elements of the policies that can be used to address this?

• In the context of criticisms of how the SABC reports on itself has been dogged by controversy, how can the Editorial Policies be structured so that staff are empowered to report on itself fully and fairly?


– By
