
Pro-Palestine supporters take part in solidarity picket at Sea Point in Cape Town

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Hundreds of supporters of Palestine are taking part in a solidarity picket on the Sea Point Promenade, in Cape Town. The group is demonstrating against the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

One of the supporters, Sheikh Riyaad Walls, says they are protesting to show support and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

ANC in Eastern Cape pledges support

The ANC in the Eastern Cape, alongside various civil society organisations, has pledged its full support and solidarity with the people of Palestine. Close to 250 Palestinians and at least 12 Israelis were killed in the latest flare-up of violence.

The ANC and its alliance partners led a protest march in the Buffalo City Metro calling for an immediate ceasefire of the on-going conflict between Israel and Palestine. ANC provincial chairperson, Oscar Mabuyane, says the provincial alliance will actively participate and assist in the mobilization for the human rights of the Palestine people.

“We as the province of the Eastern  Cape and more like many other people across the world heed to the moral obligation and political contribution to support the cause of the people of Palestine. We cannot be unmoved and angered by the pain and mistreatment that the Palestinian people are facing because most of us still smell the bloodshed that also took the lives of many South Africans.”

The Palestine ambassador to South Africa, Hanan Jarrar, speaking at the march in East London, has welcomed support from the global community.

“As the people of Palestine we need the international community,  it’s true that we need support,  it’s true that we need solidarity and it’s true that we need to bring Israel accountable for its deeds. We indeed want all the support but first, we need our people in Palestine, we need our people to enjoy self-determination just like everyone else around the world.”
