
Pistorius soon to know his fate

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Oscar Pistorius will be closer to knowing his fate when the pre-sentencing procedures start next week in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria.

He was found guilty of culpable homicide and a gun related charge after killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

The Department’s White Paper on Correctional Services acknowledges the particular needs of inmates with disabilities.

It commits the department to ensure disabled inmates have access to equal rights, with appropriate facilities to ensure effective rehabilitation.

Spokesperson for the Department of Justice and Correctional Services, Mthunzi Mhaga says: ” Upon admission, every inmate must supply us with all the information about his disability and our facilities can accommodate all offenders irrespective of the kind of disability they have.”

“We do not have special correctional centers or cells to accommodate them,” he adds.

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