
Phaahla to lead World Mental Health Day commemoration

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Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla will today lead a World Mental Health Day event at the Madadeni Hospital in Newcastle, in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

The department wants to raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as a universal human right. Fanele Mhlongo reports…

The Department of Health is calling on communities and organisations to create an enabling environment for people to openly discuss mental health challenges.

It is also calling on communities to share experiences to help break down barriers and encourage health seeking behaviour for early diagnosis and effective management.

Globally, about 970-million people are living with mental health disorders.

World Mental Health Day is marked on the 10th of October.

According to the World Health Organisation, the overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.

The 2023 campaign will be commemorated under the theme: Mental Health is a Universal Human Right, which serves as a clarion call for countries to improve access to quality mental health services and ensure that the human rights and well-being of people with mental disorders are respected and upheld.

Live proceedings of the event in the stream below: 
