
Parliament Sub-Committee begins deliberations on shortlisted SABC Board candidates

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The Sub-Committee of Parliament’s Communications Committee has started its deliberations on the 37 shortlisted candidates who were interviewed for vacancies on the SABC Board.

The committee is searching for the 12 most suitable non-executives to serve on the board.

The meeting started with Parliament’s legal team’s briefing on the disputes that the public has raised on some nominated candidates.


Meanwhile, Parliament’s legal services says that objections were received on four shortlisted candidates including two board members, Mamodupi Mohlala-Mulaudzi and Dinkwanyane Mohuba.

There were also objections to the former SABC Economics Editor, Thandeka Gqubule Mbeki and Nomvuyiso Batyi.

Parliamentary Legal Advisor Andile Tetyane explains, “You have asked us pointed questions regarding the suitability of three candidates, Miss Mohlala, Mr Mohuba, Miss Mbeki and Miss Batyi. Yah four of them. Chair we need to be very clear on this, when this sub-committee of Parliament sits chair, it is not sitting as a court of law chair. It is sitting as a sub-committee of Parliament with its own constitutional obligations in so far as oversight and responsibilities.”

The Watchdog | SABC Board interviews: 14 September 2022
