
Office of Chief Justice initiates review of its procurement processes

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The Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) has initiated a process to review all its Supply Chain Management processes in order to strengthen internal controls.

This comes in the wake of recent media reports and allegations that the Chief Justice’s Office awarded a lucrative contract to a company owned by former staff members.

In response to this, the OCJ is going further by conducting a review of active contracts by the Department of Justice for any impropriety, particularly within the Information Communications Technology space.

The OCJ says it takes its fiduciary duty to manage and protect state resources entrusted to it seriously.

The statement released by the Office reads, “The OCJ bears the responsibility to ensure that, where a perception of wrongdoing or actual wrongdoing is established in a procurement process, such wrongdoing is readily identified and the OCJ will seek legal counsel to determine the best way forward guided by the applicable government prescripts.”

The Office of the Chief Justice has approximated that its process for internal review to be completed within the next 3 months, and confirmed that the Department will publicly communicate the outcome of the process and advise on any further action, legal or otherwise.
