
No end in sight for bus strike

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Unions involved in the bus strike will be writing to the Bargaining Council in a bid to end the nationwide strike. In its 14th day, unions and employers are yet to reach an agreement.

Unions are demanding a 9.5% wage increase. Employers say they can only afford 8.5%.

“As unions, we know one thing, this strike is affecting our members and communities negatively. We are looking for a solution to resolve any strike. It takes parties to move from their positions to date. We have demonstrated a willingness to move. We’ve been shifting position, sometimes taking unmandated positions, and we will go back to the negations and negotiate because it’s our communities who are bleeding,” says Numsa, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, Irvin Jim.

Employer John Dammer says, “We see it as a move in the right direction of the unions. We have appealed to the bargaining council to assist us for us to come together to what extent we are able to have a meeting of our minds.”

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