
Nelson Mandela Metro utilising tankers for areas affected by dry taps

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The Nelson Mandela Bay Metro says a number of interventions are in place to increase water supply. Taps are fast running dry in the metro.

This after the municipality’s maintenance team discovered that water could no longer be extracted from the Impofu Dam due to low water levels.

At least 30 suburbs have been affected by the outage.

Nelson Mandela Bay metro looks to avert Day zero:

Residents have been urged to use water sparingly. The metro’s spokesperson Mthubanzi Mniki says water tankers will be deployed to the affected areas.

“We are currently delivering water through water tankers to communities that are affected and we hope that the situation is going to improve.

Our desperation is rain at the moment so we need rain , currently we are taking water from the Kouga-Lorie system for an interim because we do not want to see our people without water to wash drink and cook.”
