
Mookgophong residents in Limpopo say sewage spillages affecting their health

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Residents of Mookgopong township in Limpopo say a sewage spill that has been left unattended for a few months is affecting their health.  They say extensions two, five and six are affected.

The spillage has covered streets and is flowing into some peoples’ yards. Residents accuse the Modilmolle-Mookgopong Municipality of not being able to maintain its wastewater treatment plants.

According to residents, parts of Mookgopong township have been covered in sewage from a burst sewer line for months now. They say the pipes carrying the sewage often burst, leading to spillages on the streets and even their homes.

Residents say the stench from the spillage is beginning to affect their health.

“We experience a lot of dirty environment due to this thing of sewage, so we cannot cope because of this infections. We are experiencing a lot of dirt, in the yard and also in the streets. It is going for three weeks now and this sewage we reported it to the municipality, even parking the car inside the yard, I cannot, I mean my wheels are affected.”

Local community leader Mahlomola Mathe says they have engaged the municipality on a number of occasions. Mathe says three sections are affected.

He has called on the municipality to completely replace the sewer infrastructure.

“Several times we went to them, we talked to them, they are always promising they will come, yes they come but after three days the sewage is starting again. So I think the system is no longer right, they need to change this whole system in Mookgopong.”

Local Mayor Marlene Van Staden says there are plans in place to appoint engineers and contractors to repair the infrastructure.

“The one in extension one and extension six, yes I am definitely aware of it, it has been going on for nearly 20 years. Even the office of the premier was involved recently, so the municipality has already appointed an engineer and we have dedicated R10 million to resolve that sewer issue and we are in the process of appointing a contractor.”

The municipality has urged residents to continue reporting challenges around waste spillage in their areas.
