
Marks and Kotane families welcome the bodies

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The families of Moses Kotane and JB Marks finally received their remains on home soil.

The Kotane family welcomed their father’s remains with mixed emotions.

“Just about everybody had a tear in their eyes when that coffin was taken into the tent, now this tells you how emotional the day is. We are both sad and happy. Sad in the sense that he fought over a period of five decades for the liberation of this country unfortunately he never lived long enough to see a free liberated South Africa,” says family spokesperson, Sam Kotane.
The government of Russian federation has expressed their happiness that finally the two stalwarts would be back in South Africa. JB Marks’ family says the last few months have been emotionally taxing. Marks was buried in Russia in August 1972 after suffering a stroke.

“Our minds have been set at ease just knowing that he has been returned home and he is amongst our home soil buried where he has been born,” says the late stalwart’s son, Roswin Marks.

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