
‘Makgoe was a true servant of the people’

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The education sector in Free State has honoured the late MEC Dr Pule “Tate” Makgoe for his dedication to building a strong education system. Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga and her deputy Reginah Mhaule paid tribute to Makgoe and his bodyguard, Warrant Officer Vuyo Mdi, at a joint memorial service in Bloemfontein.

The two were killed after the vehicle they were traveling in hit cows on the N1 in Winburg in the early hours of Sunday.

Former Free State Premier Beatrice Marshoff, who once worked with Makgo, says it was easy and a pleasure to work with him. She says even though it was tough at the time, Makgoe carried out his mandate to follow instructions with ease when he was the MEC for Finance.

“At that time he was not a doctor. He was just Makgoe but having him with us was a great pleasure. He used to serve without any questions asked. If you asked him to do something he will do it. And I can assure you that nothing was easy, if you want it you had to prove that you need it and if you need it you had to prove that you can use it.”

Tributes have been pouring in since Makgoe’s death: 

‘A true servant’

Makgoe has been described as a revolutionary with high morals.  A long time friend of Makgoe who also served in the executive council in the Free State, Neo Masithela, says Makgoe transformed the lives of many young people and was very compassionate.

Masithela says Makgoe was a true servant of the people.

“He would associate himself with people that would actually add value to him. When he decided to get married to Ivy Khaeana he introduced us to her and said; ‘if you see it’s not her, please tell me so that I can look somewhere else’. So, I could not make that judgment, all that I could say was; ‘ your choice has value for the development of your family’.”

Impact on young lives 

The Chairperson of the National Education Collaboration Trust Sizwe Nxasana says it is still difficult to come to terms with Makgoe’s death. Nxasana says he is grateful for opportunity to have worked with Makgoe.

“We are proud that we have people like him and hopefully his life, what he stood for, passion for young people, will encourage many more others to promote his legacy to make sure that our children can be educated, provided with opportunities.”

Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Reginah Mhaule, says Makgoe’s dream was to see all the five districts in Free State making the top 10 in the country’s list of matric achievers.

“Tate was the MEC of the country because in our council he was leading. He always had a dream to outperform himself and improve education in the Free State.”

Makgoe has been granted an official provincial funeral category one.

The funeral will take place on Sunday in Bloemfontein.

